:hotsprings: Project Yellowstone: Old Faithful

Old Faithful is the project to make all of Solana’s history accessible, content addressable and available via a variety of means. The goal of this project is to completely replace the Bigtable dependency for Solana history access with a self-hostable, decentralized history archive that is usable for infrastructure providers, individual Solana users, explorers, indexers, and anyone else in need of historical access.

Requests for comments release

This is currently in RFC stage, which means that it is not intended for production use and that there may be breaking changes to the format, the CLI utilities or any other details related to the project.

We appreciate all and any testing, questions, feedback, code submissions as issues via github.com/rpcpool/yellowstone-faithful. We can also be found on the Solana tech discord (e.g. @linuskendall).